Getting the Word Out
While at the Washington Women's Business Center, I was the go-to person for marketing questions. Initially, this was a surprise to me, but I soon discovered I was being referred those questions because of my comfort with technology. As a result, I ended up developing both a sense for online marketing, and the ability to break it down in non-technical terms and ease the anxieties of the tech-averse about learning the necessary skills.
It was because of my work there that I was recommended for a position taking over the Marketing Essentials classes as part of the entrepreneurship certificate program at Seattle Central College. There, I drew on my experience reviewing hundreds of business and marketing plans at the WWBC, asking students to go through the process of choosing and researching a target market, assessing competition, planning a campaign, and in the end producing a business-loan-worthy marketing plan.
Marketing strategy was a frequent topic of my clients as an independent business coach as well, where I primarily helped small business owners collect website data with Google Analytics and use it to make better strategic marketing decisions.