Numerimurgy is a very simple app that I used in my math classroomas a gamification project. Students were given groups of math skills to learn. When they demonstrated mastery, they would "level up." This simple project, made in Unity and C#, used Asset Store assets and therefore only took about a weekend to create. It includes a screen where the student enters their new "incantation" whick allows the wizard character to cast an additional spell. It functions as a kind of gold star for recognizing student achievement. For me, it was the project where the use of scriptable objects clicked in my mind.
While not strictly a game—as there are no enemies, just cool spell effects—it demonstrates how games and education can interact in ways beyond whether a "game" is "educational" or not. It's an application of gaming ideas and terminology to motivate more learning and make the learning itself more fun. I'm always interested in the intersection of these ideas, having used Railroad Tycoon games to teach business, Myst for problem solving, and references to Minecraft when describing powers of 2.
Try out four Numerimurgy spells on with the incantation demo