The 'Unfortunately Using AI' List

Who's Chosen to Use AI?

As described in AI Not Needed (including definitions and more detailed reasoning), a lot of people would like to avoid software, websites, and apps that either use generative AI, or use the data they collect to train such systems.

If that describes you, here's a list of products and companies you should try to avoid.

The List

  • All the AI companies, of course, like OpenAI
  • Amazon/AWS
  • Vox Media
  • The Atlantic
  • Adobe
  • GitHub
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Meta/Facebook
  • Vimeo (AI policy announcement) -- Scrap ing and using data for training AI is off limits without your consent, but offers AI tools as part of their product.
  • Artstation


You Can Help

There's going to be a lot of work involved in keeping up on all the companies involved in all this software, their policies, changes in the world of 'AI' and how it exists in the world. If you think the information here is incorrect in some way, please send evidence (link to news report, company policy page, etc.) to the email 'ainotneeded' at this website. I can also be reached on Mastodon at

If you'd like to support me in doing this research work, keeping up (and improving) the page, and other related costs, I'll commit at least two minutes' worth of updates for every dollar of membership support on my ko-fi page. That ends up being, at most, $30/hr...but probably less than that 'cause who gets anything done in two mintues? Just go to the "buy a cup of tea for Michael J. Coffey" box, click on Monthly, and we're off to the races. The more support I get, the better I can make this resource.

If you'd prefer to support me in some other way, you can contact me at that same email address mentioned in the first paragraph of this section. I don't currently have a newsletter or other mailing list for this project, but if you think I should have one, let me know your interest in that as well.


  • Collect more options that are free from AI in the empty categories
  • Find if any of the AI-free options (F) are supported by formal commitments to remain that way (C)
  • Add links to the official websites of listed resources
  • Make little custom icons for the key instead of letters
  • Design and formatting improvements
  • A 'Learn More' section with links to articles about machine learning algorithms, current real-world harms, etc.
  • Expand into other types of software, types of 'AI' algorithms, and/or add ratings for privacy/security
  • Other community-supported suggestions for improvement

Final Note:

This webpage doesn't track you, beyond whatever access logs are kept by my hosting service. It's been entirely written in plain HTML in Notepad. Eventually, I might use some JavaScript tools for a feedback form or something, but I intend to stay ignorant of you and what you do on this page unless you are the one who makes contact. In that case, well, I'll have whatever information you send to me.