Vengeful Gods was born after a series of circumstances completely derailed all of my best laid plans. In frustration, I had said, "Where does one go to make a blood sacrifice to the gods these days?" That gave me the idea for the app, which at first was going to have more of a dark fantasy vibe to it. But in conversation with a friend, I decided to go for something more light hearted but with an exaggeratedly dramatic tone.
Based on that concept, I developed a list of deities and what they governed, researched what sorts of things are offered to various deities around the world, and sketched out a system for determiniing deity attitude and how various offerings might change that in a way that had some deterministic elements and other randomized elements. A little coding, image editing, and gameplay balancing later, and the app was done.
Example deity card, offering card, and result shown in the gallery. Available on and on Ko-fi as a monthly subscriber membership perk.